Hope: The Last Thing to Lose

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Every human being has dreams, goals, or aspirations, and every individual pursues their goals in different ways. In seeking personal development, it is essential to constantly pursue dreams and set new goals. A life without direction, devoid of objectives, is a life without meaning. Therefore, in the midst of this pandemic that has spread throughout 2020, we must look for new opportunities to continue growing. In challenging times like these, it is essential to fight for your dreams and undertake a new future.

Motivation allows a person to take actions that drive change. So we might look around and ask: How can we be motivated in the midst of this pandemic that has already claimed so many lives? The pain of losing a loved one, the concern for any of them becoming infected with Covid-19, or even the uncertainty of not knowing in a timely manner their outcome if they go to a hospital, or what would happen to them if they are taken to an emergency room. There are moments that can fill us with the anguish of not being present with them through their pain, these are the moments when we could feel anxious as we wait. Certainly, the levels of stress in which we live continue to increase as many families have lost their income, jobs, loved ones, and many all around us experience relational problems and financial strain.

So one, can naturally wonder, in the midst of the pain and the suffering that this pandemic has brought, How can we remain strong? How do we stay standing, fighting for our dreams and motivated to take actions?

Although things might be crumbling around you there is something that can’t be taken away from you. Every human being has dreams, goals, or aspirations in the depths of his or her being.

Viktor E. Frankl- a Jewish Psychiatrist who survived the concentration camps writing on Man’s Search of Meaning gathered pearls of wisdom from such chaotic experience; as he thought of what helped him and others to endure such time and to even thrive after such devastating experience-he said:

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Whatever it is that you have been dreaming about, this is the time not to lose sight because of the limiting factors all around us.  This is the time to set up an action plan, this is the time to reinvent ourselves! Viktor E. Frankl couldn’t have said it better “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Just as airplanes soar in the air with the wind against them, today when the winds of life are against you, this is when you can find courage you have not found before. History shows us that men and women have shown the essence of who they were, right there in the face of trial,  when everything seemed over. Joan of Arc got up when nobody trusted her and came to lead the French army, so did the mighty warrior David, who was soon to be a king, when his father-in-law was after him to take his life, and still facing the challenges he did it with integrity and honor. This is how Winston Churchill kept England motivated during World War II, until he achieved victory. 

We also contemplate the life of Joshua, a new leader after the death of the well seasoned leader called Moses. Joshua being entrusted with the invasion of Canaan, a pursuit that was no trivial task, since the lives of many depended on him. He could not fail at this! But in those moments when Joshua felt weak and frightened by such responsibility, God commanded him to “be strong and be courageous, not to fear, nor lose heart”. Thus Joshua got up, saw the dream before him, He remembered who was with him and he did it!. He conquered the land that was promised to him and the nation! Leaders and human beings have tapped into this great principle of connecting with a power beyond themselves and they have found hope even in the most perilous circumstances. 

Hope was the principle that carried them through the most difficult times in life. Each one became determined to pursue their dreams, they did not let their goals wither away because of the challenges.  Do you remember those moments where you have stood up and faced problems in life? Do you remember those moments when you felt weak and couldn’t take it anymore? But yet, you are here, with a powerful story to tell. Those moments are badges of honor that remind you where you have been and how you have found new strength to finally taste victory.

This is a valuable time for you to set a course. Follow those dreams and set new goals. Because just as that popular saying tells us “if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ve already arrived.” And that it is very true, the vast majority of human beings go through life aimlessly, like a ship on the high seas without a rudder, without a course. But you have taken the time to think about this. Your story can be different. How about putting these thoughts into action? Where are you heading to today? 


In the midst of this pandemic that has spread throughout 2020, we can find new opportunities to grow. Although, every opportunity has barriers that will have to be broken down. All goals will require effort and perseverance. Remember, in challenging times like these, where we face pain and many barriers, the motto is “rise and shine.” This is the best time to do it! What is your biggest motivator? What carries you in life? What is your dream? If you can dream it, you must never stop, look up, and do everything you can to see how this experience will grow you into a better future. Take your dream and embark on your future with enthusiasm! Do not fear, do not faint! Be strong!, Be brave! You can always go back to the place where you left those dreams in life and start a new future. So again ask yourself today What is your dream? What is your motivator? Get up, and go for it!


Health Facts Now is by your side! If you face emotional problems, such as high levels of stress, continuous episodes of uncontrollable anger, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite or sleep, little desire to live, or you are needing support after the loss of a loved one, go to www.healthfactsnow.com, there you will find information about helpful services and how to make us of them. You can schedule your consultations online with specialized professionals, who will help you face the difficult times you are going through.


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